Ninja AKA Douche Whistle, AKA Ched

Role: Passenger, Founder, Navigator, Comms Director

Ninja got his nickname for the lame green head band he threw together on GAK trip #1. He has no ninja skills and has actually hurts himself while using nunchucks. Since 2023, his new nickname is “Ched”. He hates it and that’s why it is his new nickname.

He was a passenger during GAK1 but came out of the gate strong for all subsequent trips by buying his Toyota 4Runner. You will know that Ched/Ninja is close by if you see white vape smoke and the fruity-fruit cake smell of banana, shnoz-berries and 6-day old socks otherwise called “Mortal Kombat”. Ched/Ninja and Scooter are mainly responsible for setting up our trip routes and navigation. Ninja also helps with our radio communications. Granted Ched/Ninja only knows how to turn on his radio and nothing else.

GAK Trips Attended:
GAK1 2016
GAK2 2017
GAK3 2018
GAK4 2019
GAK5 2020
GAK7 2022
GAK8 2023